CLOSED WP plugins

Critical: 53 Blacklisted/CLOSED WP PLUGINS JUL 2021 – Urgent

CLOSED WP PLUGINS JUL 2021 Managed WP Maintenance Report Be informed about the latest CLOSED WP PLUGINS JUL 2021, identified and reported publicly. With these WordPress plugin vulnerabilities, the consequences of a hack are ugly and imminent. You will experience targeted backlash on your WordPress domain, costly damage control/recovery, immediate revenue loss with long-term consequences.…

WP themes vulnerability 2022

Disempowered WP Security: 6 WP themes vulnerability JUL 2021

WP themes vulnerability JUL 2021 Be informed about the latest WordPress theme vulnerabilities, identified and reported publicly. With WP themes vulnerability JUL 2021, the consequences of a hack are ugly. You will experience major backlash on your WordPress domain, costly damage control/recovery, immediate revenue loss with long-term consequences. Consider our FREE security AUDIT. Estimation of…


WP SECURITY JUN 2021 centralised abuse highlights

WP SECURITY JUN 2021 Centralised Abuse Highlights BRIEF: Attack vectors seems to be focused on niche business areas, eshop targeting and personal or private data exfiltration. Highly targeted campaign against seo, page builder and speed optimisation plugins. Be informed about the WP SECURITY JUN 2021 centralised abuse highlights. As these specific hacking points and vulnerabilities…

CLOSED WP plugins

Critical: 11 Blacklisted/CLOSED WP PLUGINS JUN 2021 – Urgent

CLOSED WP PLUGINS JUN 2021 Managed WP Maintenance Report Be informed about the latest CLOSED WP PLUGINS JUN 2021, identified and reported publicly. With these WordPress plugin vulnerabilities, the consequences of a hack are ugly and imminent. You will experience targeted backlash on your WordPress domain, costly damage control/recovery, immediate revenue loss with long-term consequences.…

WP themes vulnerability 2022

Disempowered WP Security: 6 WP themes vulnerability JUN 2021

WP themes vulnerability JUN 2021 Be informed about the latest WordPress theme vulnerabilities, identified and reported publicly. With WP themes vulnerability JUN 2021, the consequences of a hack are ugly. You will experience major backlash on your WordPress domain, costly damage control/recovery, immediate revenue loss with long-term consequences. Consider our FREE security AUDIT. Estimation of…

CLOSED WP plugins

Critical: 11 Blacklisted/CLOSED WP PLUGINS MAY 2021 – Urgent

CLOSED WP PLUGINS MAY 2021 Managed WP Maintenance Report Be informed about the latest CLOSED WP PLUGINS MAY 2021, identified and reported publicly. With these WordPress plugin vulnerabilities, the consequences of a hack are ugly and imminent. You will experience targeted backlash on your WordPress domain, costly damage control/recovery, immediate revenue loss with long-term consequences.…

WP themes vulnerability 2022

Disempowered WP Security: 9 WP themes vulnerability MAY 2021

WP themes vulnerability MAY 2021 Be informed about the latest WordPress theme vulnerabilities, identified and reported publicly. With WP themes vulnerability MAY 2021, the consequences of a hack are ugly. You will experience major backlash on your WordPress domain, costly damage control/recovery, immediate revenue loss with long-term consequences. Consider our FREE security AUDIT. Estimation of…

WP themes vulnerability 2022

Disempowered WP Security: 13 WP themes vulnerability APR 2021

16 WP themes vulnerability APR 2021 Be informed about the latest WordPress theme vulnerabilities, identified and reported publicly. With WP themes vulnerability APR 2021, the consequences of a hack are ugly. You will experience major backlash on your WordPress domain, costly damage control/recovery, immediate revenue loss with long-term consequences. Consider our FREE security AUDIT. Estimation…