If you want your WordPress to drive traffic, orders, in-store purchases, or phone calls, you must have a fast page speed for mobile and desktop. A perfect PageSpeed matters for two exigent segments: SEARCH ENGINES and VISITORS. Settle for a slow website, and your site will take the last place in search results, leaving your customers to your competitors.

desktop perfect pagespeed

Faster websites perform better in search results and sales, by providing an unparalleled user experience that people want and demand.



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Page speed measures how fast content loads on a single page. A perfect PageSpeed is also known as page load time, which is how long it takes a page to display all its content. Time to the 1st byte measures how long it takes for a browser, to receive the first byte of information from the hosting server.

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Slow response times from your main conversion pages are disastrous for your business. We unload vital components from your landing pages to boost it towards a perfect pagespeed, independently for each managed account plan. This means perfect pagespeed for all pages, throughout your domain.

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OUR BONUS: with our managed infrastructure, we’ll keep your WP in the top-performing group through the year, without forcing you to buy more&more different and expensive server technologies. All pages on your domain, always on their best performance on mobile & desktop.

mobile perfect pagespeed

Mobile sites loading under 2sec have a 15% higher conversion rate. Providing a fast and seamless experience, making it even easier for users to shop.



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If you already budgeted search engine optimisation (SEO), then you’ve probably noticed some reports about how page speed matters to SEO. And it does big time. Search engines (because of users) like fast websites. That’s why search engines use a Perfect PageSpeed as a ranking factor.

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Visitors expect all search results to load quickly when they click on them. When it doesn’t, they get frustrated and likely choose another website from the list of search results. The faster competitor sites load, the more visible is your slow domain. Statistically 83% of users abandon sites that load above 3 sec.

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When you already invested in employees (and tools, and external service providers) to do your marketing, blogging, social media or other campaigns a perfect pagespeed makes ALL the difference. Load time can be a performance anchor or an exponential conversion booster.

good url page experience

Today’s marketing landscape is rapidly changing - adapt your strategies to keep up with your customers. Google has the products and insights you need to achieve your marketing objectives. But only AFTER you achieve your 100% good URL page experience.

Google’s recent mobile page speed research states when your page load time goes from 1s to 3s the bounce rate increases 32%. The bounce increases to 90% if the page load speed goes from 1s to 5s. And the bounce rate soars up to 123% of your website is taking more than 10s to load fully. This is how important page speed is for your entire website, for your each page.

PageSpeed is the measurement of the time it takes to fully load and display the entire content of the web page. It is a web performance metric designed to track how fast a page responds in loading the content to the request. The amount of time your page visitor has to wait before starting to interact with the website can also be defined as the page speed.

A site that loads fast is given a preference over the one that is laggy. Though the user intent, query, and relevance of the page are still more important. Google has been emphasising the importance of a perfect PageSpeed for a long time now. To encourage WP owners, search engines have included site speed as one of the many ranking factors.

A perfect PageSpeed optimisation should be a top priority for any WordPress owner. The speed of your site dramatically impacts your site’s SEO and bounce rate. Bounce rates are calculated as the number of single-page sessions of zero-second duration divided by the total number of page sessions on your domain.

Since many people use their phones or tablets exclusively for web browsing, mobile page speed optimisation is very important. Mobile pages are considered separately for SEO results, exactly as AMP pages (Accelerated Mobile Pages). Your site’s mobile pages does not automatically inherit the main domains SEO ranking.

Users searching on mobile devices have their page rank calculated separately based on the site’s mobile page speed rather than the main website’s page speed. As the use of mobile search continues to grow at an exponential rate, the consumer demand for information in the blink of an eye also increases. Especially in crowded urban areas.