Instantly Loading Managed PageSpeed:

ULTRA PageSpeed boosting

for our carefree WP/Woo customers, without being asked, what made us exceptional!


ultraWP managed pagespeed Table of Contents:
For your business to succeed online today, you have to juggle all SPEED ISSUES, from security, marketing, content, maintenance, backup, monitoring, GDPR, SEO.
Performance focused services built specifically to make WP & Woo much faster and scalable. Perfect for websites with lots of posts, pages, products, lots of visitors or lots of premium users.
For all that extra speed offered, ULTRA PageSpeed is more affordable and faster. More affordable, than a new site. Way faster, than designers and sysadmins hired for individual tasks.
Individual features of managed services are in harmony with the enhancements made by the infrastructure experts, from the hosting and domain departments.
Recurrent tasks for WP and Woo ULTRA PageSpeed like caching; DB optimisation; integrations; Add-Ons; plugins and scripts; minifications; content delivery network (CDN) configuration.
Tailored configurations of managed pagespeed for particular requirements of customers, continually boost their websites and e-shops performance and usability scoring.

Secure. Fast. Easy.

managed PageSpeed for business websites

Human onboarding and tailored management are core approaches for every customer. Automatic reporting creates trust and transparency for owners. We measure deployment in minutes and hours. Once onboarded, your tailored WP PageSpeed boosts your domain immediately.


Less time spent on security incidents.


Less time spent on downtime issues.


Less time spent on bugs and customer support.


Or more cutback in attacks, resource consumption.


Or faster page loading time and conversion rate.

WHO needs managed WP PageSpeed? EVERYBODY!

Today's fast loading times need a plugin & theme resources optimisation, plus static files size reduction (images, pdfs, videos) to serve "instantly" different mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop requests.

tailored caching

recurrent static file optimisation

improved mobile speeds

reduced load-time

boosting performance

improved AMP speeds

reduced page size

boosting server payloads

reduced domain requests

improved speed

improved User Experience

reduced external requests

ULTRA fast

We’ll provide recurrent tailored performance optimisation for your server, DB, WP & e-shop.

ULTRA speed

DNS Lookups, HTTP Requests, Compression, SSL, Redirect, Hot-linking & Leach Protection.

ULTRA small

Highly-Optimised Static Files, like: JPG, PNG, SVG, CSS, JS, PDF, DOC, XLS, images, videos.


CDN allows for the quick transfer of assets needed for loading your cached content pages.

PageSpeed is not a single-task job

Need managed WordPress PageSpeed and got no clue where to start? Hire an expert. Pay a coffee per week or figure it out yourself.


Business competitiveness is quality-price ratio for profitability.


Your landing pages gain better loading speeds, conversions.


Crammed modules increase complexity exponentially.


Reducing the attack surface, you gain extra defensive layers.


Restricted access control for authorised requests only.


As a website grows, you expand its parts. Start in the right way.

Updated weekly with new optimisations

for an effective managed WP PageSpeed. That's 52 more in a year, compared to what you have today! This is how we become your partner for the long term!