WP SEO Plugin Vulnerabilities

WP SEO CVE AUG 2024: 31 publicly exposed plugins

WP SEO CVE AUG 2024 Be informed about the latest reported WordPress Search Engine Optimisation vulnerabilities. WP SEO CVE AUG 2024 is a +48% INCREASE compared to last month. These exposures create even more problems and vulnerability exploitation with an immediate traffic drop from organic search and eliminating the potential for your target keywords. Consider…

WP SEO Plugin Vulnerabilities

WP SEO CVE JUL 2024: 21 publicly exposed plugins

WP SEO CVE JUL 2024 Be informed about the latest reported WordPress Search Engine Optimisation vulnerabilities. WP SEO CVE JUL 2024 is a +17% INCREASE compared to last month. These exposures create even more problems and vulnerability exploitation with an immediate traffic drop from organic search and eliminating the potential for your target keywords. Consider…